恒指半日收報19264.46點 升 0.23% 成交782.18億元 X
15/01/2025 12:15
恒指半日收報19264.46點,升 0.23%,成交782.18億元,最高見19319.22點,低見19149.94點。

        數目   百分比  平均升跌   成交額(億)  佔總成交
上升       613   14.68%    +2.30%     440.956    56.38%
下跌       901   21.57%    -2.10%     217.021    27.75%
其他      2663   63.75%                28.853     3.69%

合共      4177  100.00%    -0.12%     686.829    87.81%
認購證     3744   80.02%    -0.22%      24.224     3.10%
認沽證      935   19.98%    -1.45%      14.299     1.83%
界內證        0    0.00%    +0.00%       0.000     0.00%

合共      4679  100.00%    -0.46%      38.523     4.93%
牛證      2131   52.88%    +1.48%      27.379     3.50%
熊證      1899   47.12%    -1.52%      29.445     3.76%

合共      4030  100.00%    +0.07%      56.824     7.26%
上升        39   46.99%    +1.14%     219.586    28.07%
下跌        38   45.78%    -1.23%     121.259    15.50%
其他         6    7.23%                13.604     1.74%

合共        83  100.00%    -0.02%     354.450    45.32%

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